Sustainable Food

The key concepts for this section are:

  • In order to have a nutritious diet – one that gives use the energy, vitamins and minerals that we need – it needs to be varied and include healthy food such as fruits and vegetables
  • Eating locally means eating food that grows well nearby, so less energy is used to transport it to you

Grow Something that you can eat

Cress is quick, but how about considering pots of parsley, radishes or salad leaves? Thompson & Morgan have some suggestions for crops that can be started on windowsills and grown in containers.

Make sure that you use peat-free compost!

Cook a plant-based meal

Here are a few suggestions that don’t require cooking:

Rainbow spring rolls

Fruit kebabs

Pesto and White bean stuffed tomato

Greek chickpea salad pita

Think about Food Miles

Print a World Map and mark on the map where our food comes from. 

How about New Zealand lamb, bananas from the Caribbean, rice from India, avocados from Mexico, vanilla from Madagascar? How does it get here? 

What are some of the good things about being able to move food around the world (more variety, able to feed people during winter when less grows, or during a drought)?

What are some of the problems?

What grows well locally?

Can you make a poster of things that grow near here that we could eat more often?

The United States EPA has more suggestions on how you could approach this topic.

reduce, reuse and recycle

Here are some ideas for activities that you could do in your unit using bits and pieces that are lying around.

Make a Skeleton Leaf

A leaf skeleton is made when the soft tissue of a leaf has crumbled away, leaving behind the skeleton of veins.  They are fascinating and very beautiful.  Here is how to make your own leaf skeleton.

Boats for the Bath

Fun Makes out of Bits and Pieces

Have fun making things out of scraps around the house.  Technology For Fun and the Smallpeice Trust have some great ideas.  We particularly liked: